Friday, December 18, 2015

What we've done, and what we are doing next

So far we have created two prototypes for the spray can brace. The first one held the solenoid above a spray can. The errors with the first model was that the solenoid was too high and did not reach the spray can, the spray can was also not stable enough, and the holder for the solenoid was to loose. The second model had sides that kept the can in place and the structure was more stable. The solenoid reached the cap but the spray can needs to be better fit to the model. We also need to reduce weight of the brace so that it does not hinder the drone. For the solenoid to press down strong enough on the spray can it must be 16 volts or higher. We now plan on taking with Ryan from Pittsburgh Techshop.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Spray paint Update

Our current model of the brace and solenoid does not have enough power to steadily fire the paint. After talking to our Mr Nasear and Dr Beamer, we decided the best way to solve the issue was to increase the voltage. When testing the solenoid and can on a 30 volt charge it fired much faster and was able to create a continous spray for the can and had more than enough force. Our next challenge is to find a 30 volt battery light enough for us to put on our drone.